Site web de l’ ISDH


Formation de haut niveau dans les domaines du droit international et des droits de l’Homme...


Nous disposons de l’expertise et de l’expÃĐrience nÃĐcessaire pour entreprendre des ÃĐtudes sur consultations...


Le CERDIH sert de cadre institutionnel pour une ConfÃĐrence doctorale en droit international et ...

Conseil & arbitrage

Le CERDIH peut officier comme reprÃĐsentant ou conseil pour le compte de toute personne physique ou morale...

Mot du Directeur

Pr Abdoulaye SOMA

Au nom de l’ÃĐminent Curatorium du CERDIH, Au nom de l’honorable Conseil d’administration du CERDIH, Au nom du distinguÃĐ Groupe d’Experts du CERDIH, Nous souhaitons à toutes et à tous la bienvenue (…)


Business Consultations

Marketing strategy

Advanced analytic

Enterprise technology

Partnership system

Business innovation

Counsalting Service Include

Change is opportunity. The challenges it presents may seem daunting, but we help you approach change with confidence, adapt with purpose and embrace.

Our results solution combines implementation support, capability building and state-of-the-art diagnostic and analytic tools so you can continually change.


Counsalting Service Include

Change is opportunity. The challenges it presents may seem daunting, but we help you approach change with confidence, adapt with purpose and embrace.

Our results solution combines implementation support, capability building and state-of-the-art diagnostic and analytic tools so you can continually change.

Counsalting Service Include

Change is opportunity. The challenges it presents may seem daunting, but we help you approach change with confidence, adapt with purpose and embrace.

Our results solution combines implementation support, capability building and state-of-the-art diagnostic and analytic tools so you can continually change.


Counsalting Service Include

Change is opportunity. The challenges it presents may seem daunting, but we help you approach change with confidence, adapt with purpose and embrace.

Our results solution combines implementation support, capability building and state-of-the-art diagnostic and analytic tools so you can continually change.

Counsalting Service Include

Change is opportunity. The challenges it presents may seem daunting, but we help you approach change with confidence, adapt with purpose and embrace.

Our results solution combines implementation support, capability building and state-of-the-art diagnostic and analytic tools so you can continually change.


Counsalting Service Include

Change is opportunity. The challenges it presents may seem daunting, but we help you approach change with confidence, adapt with purpose and embrace.

Our results solution combines implementation support, capability building and state-of-the-art diagnostic and analytic tools so you can continually change.

La sceau de l’intelligence juridique

Qui sommes-nous ?


Le ÂŦ Centre d’Etudes et Recherches sur le Droit International gÃĐnÃĐral et les Droits de l’Homme Âŧ (CERDIH) est une organisation à caractÃĻre scientifique, universitaire et pÃĐdagogique. Le CERDIH a pour principal but le dÃĐveloppement de l’ÃĐtude, de la formation et de la connaissance du droit international gÃĐnÃĐral et des droits de l’Homme. Le centre a aussi pour objet la recherche, l’ÃĐmulation scientifique et universitaire, au service des universitÃĐs, des administrations publiques et privÃĐes, ainsi que de la (…)

Business to Business

AI and Machine Learning Analytics Solutions

Business Idea

Strategy experience and analytical expertise combine to enable decision making and create value.

Customer Strategy

Strategy experience and analytical expertise combine to enable decision making and create value.

Moving Forward

Strategy experience and analytical expertise combine to enable decision making and create value.

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We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined.

What People Say


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Le CERDIH en images


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